White Paper

Data Center Hosting Services for Secure Federal Agencies

This white paper reviews the challenges many US federal agencies’ IT teams face in providing multi-tenant support across secure and nonsecure groups.

The first challenge discussed is the “chargeback and utilization” tracking at the most granular level.

The second is for a secure architecture that can collect infrastructure operating data across secure to top-secret environments to aggregate management data in a meaningful and helpful manner.

Additionally, there is a need to share or integrate the operating management data with other systems, thus driving the need for a single source of truth that updates all business intelligence systems.

As many agencies have discovered, a proven DCIM solution implementation can manage asset lifecycles, capacity planning, resource reservation, tracking, power, and cooling, and automate workflows.


A solution with colocation or multi-tenant support is needed. It goes beyond traditional DCIM systems and provides secure management for the tenant and collective oversight for the hosting organization.