The True Cost of DCIM

What is DCIM? Simply defined, data center infrastructure management (DCIM) is a comprehensive workflow manager that functions as a strategic business management solution for the data center.   While the costs of implementing DCIM solutions may... Read More
Professional man standing in light blue data center.

Data Center Migration Best Practices

Data center migrations can be a daunting task that is often misunderstood. It can be looked at in two ways: moving computing assets or IT assets, and the applications or services they provide from one... Read More
Data center migrations can be a daunting task that is often misunderstood. It can be looked at in two ways: moving computing assets or IT assets, and the applications or services they provide from one physical location to another, or in the instance of the cloud, it is moving the applications or the services from a known facility to a cloud facility.

Why DCIM is Crucial for Modern Data Centers

Today's organizations rapidly expand their digital footprints, making data centers more crucial than ever. These data centers, which are the backbone for storing business-critical applications and data, often span multiple sites, from cloud platforms to... Read More
Why DCIM is Crucial for Modern Data Centers