White Paper

Integrated Data Center Management Architectural Guide

Integrated Data Center Management (IDCM) is deep integration between data center critical facilities infrastructure, the resources (e.g., servers, switches, assets, etc.) within the data center, and the application workloads running there. IDCM’s most simplistic description would be the integration between Building Management Systems (BMS), also referred to as Building Automation Systems (BAS), DCIM solutions, and IT operations – yet the vision of IDCM is much more than that description captures.

This guide provides an in-depth the IDCM solution, including:

  • What is IDCM?
  • How a leading IDCM solution is constructed
  • How it delivers on the promise of bringing together traditionally disparate systems to achieve insights, efficiency, and service levels.
  • The 3 Main Use Cases of IDCM
  • Screenshots of dashboards and views of various elements such as assets, workloads, rooms, floors, and even functions such as workflows and anomalies.